
Summer Online Courses for Credit


新生和返回365平台的学生有机会参加一个学术课程学分在夏季. 此外,365平台以外的合格学生也可以参加. 这些及格/不及格的课程, taught by Westminster faculty through Zoom, can help students prepare for the upcoming academic year, improve academic skills and grow intellectually.

课程在夏季通过Zoom以远程学习形式提供. 周一到周五上课,每天两小时,学生每天要花一到两个小时备课. 学生必须在学期结束时达到最低考试成绩才能获得及格/不及格成绩单学分. 每天的会议时间由教师决定,以最好地适应学生在课堂上注册的位置.

This year the program runs from 7月1-Aug. 2.
Registration deadline is June 21, 2024. 

Summer 2024 Course Offerings


  • 代数1

    This first-year course introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra. 它的目标包括掌握基本的代数技能和发展与图形计算器的能力. Students are introduced to variables, 运算顺序, 代数表达式, 功能, 和公式. 符号数的性质和其他公理为求解一次方程和方程组奠定了基础. Students study linear and 二次 功能, their solutions and graphs, and investigate word problems modeling these 功能. 这一年以多项式、不等式和指数性质的研究结束.

    This class will have a special meeting time, June 26-July 22.
  • 代数2

    本课程回顾了代数1的基本技能,同时建立了函数的概念. 强调下列类型的函数的解决问题和绘图:线性, 二次, 多项式, 指数, 对数, 激进的, 和理性. Topics first introduced in 几何 and 代数1 are further developed. 经常使用图形计算器来增强和支持理解.
    Prerequisites: 代数1 and 几何
  • Computer Programming and Coding

    本课程遵循AP计算机科学A课程,没有编程经验. Students will learn to code in Java, 一种通用编程语言,是当今最流行的编程语言之一. 对于第一单元, students will work in the JKarel programming environment, a stepping stone to Object-Oriented Programming. 从那里, 我们将继续讨论Java, 在哪里向学生介绍对象和类的核心原则. Java objects can be used to represent everyday real life objects, 比如汽车, while classes are like blueprints for making a specific model of that car. 

    As students master the syntax and vocabulary specific to Java, 他们将学习适用于任何编程语言的通用软件原理, 包括Python和Ruby. An emphasis will be placed on algorithms, general methods or step-by-step recipes used to solve a specific task. 

    学生将有夜间阅读作业和与当天主题相对应的练习. To supplement these assignments, students will also view 8-10 minute videos which summarize the day’s lesson. 每周的习题集,包括较长的编程活动,将在每周一交. 

    At the conclusion of the five week session, 学生将准备好过渡到全年的AP计算机科学课程.
  • Introduction to Creative Writing

    This course is open to motivated students in grades 9-12. 它是为那些对创作自己的作品感兴趣,但无法在常规学年参加英语系提供的全年创意写作入门课程的学生准备的. We will read a variety of texts to serve as models for our original work, but the vast majority of class and prep time will be devoted to composing, revising and discussing student-generated texts. Classes will meet three times per week for 90-120 minutes per session, 学生们除了提供同伴反馈外,每周还要完成几页新的作业. We will study a variety of genres, 但是这门课程可以灵活地强调选修这门课的学生的特殊兴趣.
  • 几何

    本课程包括使用定义的形式语言研究二维和三维空间中的形状, 假设, 和定理. 学生发展归纳和演绎推理技能,并学习构建两列证明. The properties of parallel lines, congruent and similar shapes, 比例与比例, the Pythagorean Theorem and right triangle trigonometry, 特殊的四边形, 圈, 几何概率, 平面和立体图形的面积和体积是本课程的主要主题. 除了这个议程,还有一个正在进行的复习和代数技能的提高. 具体地说, we focus on solving linear and 二次 equations and systems of equations, manipulating and operating on fractions and 激进的 expressions.
  • 有关微积分的知识

    This course reviews the 功能 studied in 代数2, deepening student comprehension of these 功能 and their applications. The course thoroughly investigates 多项式 和理性 功能, 三角, 对数 and 指数 功能, 还有权力模型, with a focus on transformations and graphing. The graphing calculator is used extensively throughout.
有关暑期在线学分课程的问题,请联系: btawney@everystudio.net


  • 布赖恩·托尼摄

    布莱恩 茶色的 

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