


学生们很快就能认识到寄宿学校里所有令人兴奋的机会. Their days and nights are full, challenging, and rewarding, whether they live on or off campus. 除了 to work that might eventually appear on a transcript or application, students are also learning about and becoming responsible citizens. Westminster has always provided an organic structure for this important personal growth, 因为学生们完全沉浸在一个社区中,他们因各自的贡献而闻名,彼此之间关系密切, faculty and staff that reinforce a sense of accountability.
Through the shared experiences of attending classes, 家庭式午餐, 参加体育和艺术活动, and being involved in community service and student organizations, 我们的学生得到支持,并在他们有所作为的地方建立自我认同.



  • 社会和情感学习项目

    Anti-Defamation League Training for Student Leaders: 该培训项目为不同群体的学生提供了促进和维持校园积极社会变革的机会. 学生们接受培训,领导与发展相适应的活动,并与同龄人讨论与偏见有关的问题,如欺凌和网络欺凌.

    全国精神疾病联盟: 结束沉默 一个引人入胜的演讲是否能帮助学生了解心理健康状况的警告信号,以及如果你或你所爱的人表现出心理健康状况的症状,该采取什么措施.

    基督教女青年会健康关系计划: 基督教女青年会的社区伙伴讨论不同类型的关系,以及当这些关系从健康走向不健康时的警告信号. 通过这个讨论, leaders offer ways to respond to disclosure, educate the community on services offered, 以及如何获得帮助.

    Courage to Speak Substance Abuse Program: 勇气说®基金会的使命是“通过教育和授权青少年远离毒品来拯救生命,并鼓励父母与他们的孩子谈论毒品的危险。.”

    女青年会同意计划: 性暴力的初级预防在暴力发生之前制止暴力,并要求解决暴力的根源. We can do this by creating communities where people feel safe and respected, 通过促进安全行为, 健康的关系, 尊重他人.

    壹爱计划: One Love educates young people about healthy and un健康的关系, empowering them to identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better.
  • 家庭小组和同伴促进者

    家组 are led by Sixth Form members of the Prefect Board, 指导员 and Students on the No Place for Hate Committee.

    指导员 五年级和六年级的领导是否为小组讨论健康和健康以及多样性和身份提供和促进支持性的氛围. Students on the No Place for Hate Committee are comprised of Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Formers. 同伴辅导员偶尔帮助领导四年级健康课程会议和关于公平和包容的小组讨论. 准备这些对话, they meet regularly with the 学生生活主任 and Dean of 多样性、公平和包容 for peer facilitator training.
  • 社区的对话

  • 顾问会议和走廊馈送

    Students meet weekly with their advisor in both group and individual settings. These meetings provide time for questions and discussion, and these small group interactions allow students to talk about time management, social media and other topics in a comfortable setting. 除了, 每周晚上一次, boarding students gather for corridor meetings with their corridor supervisor. This meeting at the end of the day gives students a chance to relax, 解压缩, 谈谈学校和生活. 这些聚会包括食物和饮料!
  • 第三形式健康

    三年级学生按性别分成小组,每隔一周参加一个由教师领导的名为“选择”的项目. 8到10名学生与两名教师在一个教师的教室里会面,讨论诸如人际关系之类的话题, 解决冲突, 身份与欺凌. 教师 members use questions to prompt discussion within the group.
  • 四、健康

    四年级的学生参加了一个重点健康教育项目,其中包含同伴教育的元素. 主题包括营养, 个人卫生, 自我保健, 情绪, 压力管理, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 睡眠, 酒精, 烟草, 非法药物, 时间管理和人际关系.
  • 第四种形式:公民参与课程

    精选的四年级研讨会课程帮助365平台的学生学会进行有意义的对话,更好地了解他们是谁,他们的立场是什么. 学生还学习演讲写作的组成要素和有效表达的修辞手段.
  • 五年级和六年级:决定

    五年级和六年级的学生被分成小组,讨论诸如焦虑之类的话题, 压力, 睡眠, 酒后驾驶, 金融知识, 预算和健身. The format usually involves a presentation by one of the faculty coordinators of the program.
  • 六年级:向大学过渡

    整个学年, Sixth Form students meet with College Counselors, representatives from the 健康 Center and from the alumni office, and other faculty members to talk about life 365平台. These talks include student health, 金融知识, philanthropy and other related topics.
  • W书

    这本书是每一个学生, parent and faculty members’ guide to living within the Westminster community.  Beyond the rules and expectations of school life, the W Book provides information about how the school works and why, and details the standards and expectations 365平台 students should meet. 
    All students and their families should be familiar with its contents.  Students who are serious about their work, who pay attention to the school’s rules and customs, 那些为他人着想的人应该不会辜负365平台的期望, and Westminster should have no trouble living up to theirs.



除了有机项目, 学校的学生健康和保健课程为学生提供了一个有意识的课程,让他们学习涉及个人健康的主题, 他们的性格发展, and their 健康的关系 with other people. The multifaceted curriculum is coordinated by a team that includes the Associate 校长, Director of 健康 Services and Medical Director, 学生生活主任, 多样性院长, 股本, 包容和体育总监. 学校的时间表允许课程中的大多数课程在上学期间进行, generally on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.


罗伯特•Yalda 头完美
杰克逊雷蒙德 初级完美 
亚洲Daniela oh 
所有在读学生, 365平台的教职员工每周五早上通过社区新闻自动收到365平台周刊. 



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